My experience with Cox & Kings was awful. Now it has taken me hours to write this review as I found myself getting frequently disoriented thinking about my bad experience. We were supposed to go to Bangkok for a business conference in about 40-45 days.
And that is when I realized that I had yet not made my passport. Our Admin. Staff had arranged for an executive from Cox & King to be made available in office to help around those who were travelling to Bangkok and didn’t have a passport. Since I didn’t have the time to hang around the passport offices, I opted to apply for a tatkaal passport through the Cox & King agent. Foolish me! I also made the complete check payment to them the very same day. I kept on following up with the agent regularly and the snobbish guy kept on saying that ‘abhi bahut time hai’. He said that he had submitted my documents in the passport office and is in process.
That was not quite convincing man. Now I had only 15 days left and I was not even asked to visit the police station for my verification. On my latter follow-ups he even started avoiding my phone calls and I knew it was now time to pull my socks and gear to the passport office myself. I took 2 days off, a couple of late attendances to work and finally sorted everything in a weeks’ time. But that was very stressful.
I received my passport in hand only 4 days before we were supposed to leave for the conference. I had to further stress myself with the last day shopping and packing as I was not expecting my passport coming on time. Luckily Thai authorities permit Indian visitors to obtain a Visa on arrival so I could make it for the conference. But again had to wait long hours in the endless queue at the Bangkok airport for the Thai Visa. Also had to pay from my pocket for the Visa which was never reimbursed by the office. But I had decided to screw the life of the agent for all this. I called the Cox& King office directly and spoke to the agent’s seniors. They asked me to write a mail to them on my grievances and complaints. Good for them that they did take my case seriously and came down personally to my office to with a refund cheque and a sorry.