My husband had really wanted to see this movie, you know all the pretty girls in the film seem to attract the men. I went along with the choice thinking that it would be like most nights when I let him pick the movie we watch. I usually sit through some movie that I have no interest in and when it is over I feel that I have wasted my time.
That didnt happen this time. This movie was actually interesting, and it wasnt as much of a mans film as I had thought it would be. This story is about how any young girl can make her dreams come true if she is just willing to give all she has.
Violet starts out a small town girl working as a waitress, but she writes music and wants to hit the big time. Violet is off to New York City where she finds romance, hard times, and finally her big break.
Violet doesnt really know how the music business works and at first it seems she is destined to fail. She cant get anyone to listen to her demo tapes and she has a fear of playing her music at an open mic night. She meets a really cute guy along the way who begins to help her with her fears of the stage. In the meantime she needs to find a way to get some extra money. She finds herself working in a bar, almost by accident. The bar is a bit rowdy and the girls dance on top of the bar wearing very little. Basically they are strippers who keep their clothes on. But all of them seem to have some brains and are there trying to make it. The girls seem to man handle their customers and really enjoy the job. There are only a few times when the work place gets out of hand. But the owner has some rules and if you break them you are out. Violet breaks the no boyfriend in the bar rule and is on the street again, but before long she gets her big break and is actually going to sing her song in front of a live audience. By this time Violet and the guy have split over a misunderstanding and she doesnt tell him about her break, but someone else does. It is a good thing that the guy is there to help her through it because at the last minute Violet decides she cant face all these people and sing. Just when she is going to give up on her dreams the guy turns the lights down so Violet can sing without fear.
This is a heart touching story about a group of people all joining together to help this one girl reach her dreams. Of course this movie isnt a fairy tale and the girl has to go through some rough stuff before finally getting where she wants to be but she makes it and gains some great friends too.
This movie has provocative dancing and a few moments of violence and bad language so I wouldnt recommend letting your child watch it, but it is a great story for adults.