Like my friend, Nitaj, I agree that this is a wonderful film. I had resisted seeing it initially because I wasnt sure I could trust the handling of this subject to the genre. However, I found it amazing--especially for Hollywood--which still tips lightly around the subject of racism. Still found in good supply in the USA, many still prefer to ignore the lasting effects of this poison.
At any rate, voted Best Picture of 2006 by the Academy of Motion Pictures (a fluke, maybe? given all the hoopla over the movie, Brokeback Mountain, and its almost guaranteed win for same title), Crash deftly handles this subject of racism and its many permutations and makes it a really interesting and engaging film. I loved everything about it: the cast/characters, storyline, writing and direction, and the irony of how racism is often internalized by the very people it oppresses.
This is an authentic interpretation of the way racism is so easily absorbed by those exposed to it. See it and decide.