Just watched this awesome movie and honestly dont have the words to describe how brilliant this film is from every aspect. Script, Direction, Cinematography, Actors and the message of the film all deserve rightfully every meaningful award a quality film must be honored with.
In brief this film is about racism but at all levels in life, outside races and within the races themselves. The beautiful story unfolds each characters life and shows us how some people are victims of racism and how the same people at some level treat other around with the same behavior that they find offending.
The aim of this movie is not just to make us realise that racism exists in this world and its a bad bad world but also shows us the other side how some people wake up to realise that just by hating racism and those people who are racists they themselves are being a part of the herd called RACISTS.
The movie is made so beautifully and the flow of events is so gripping that I bet you wont blink your eye lid or want to miss a word.
This is one hell of a master piece and watchable more than a couple of times, without exaggeration can be seen every month of the year and still enjoyed as if its the first time.
MUST watch for anyone who is desperate for good cinema, hell no great cinema !!! I can promise you will not be let down :o)