The ’Shokla’ says , ’ One which makes ear deafening noise is least harmful – at most, it may sound indecent to the etiquettes , but that’s it ... The other, which makes medium sound does not gives a pleasant feeling to the nostrils holes nearby - still manageable, BUT..., the most dangerous of ’them’, is the one which hardly makes any fuss about it. It’s like a revolver with silencer - almost no noise but , the impact - dreadful. Your senses can bore their unpleasant memory till eternity .....
From : ’The Useless Mind’ , QSB (unpublished for obvious reasons.. )
Ahem, ok, I am not to be blamed for this. I clearly wrote in
my request to MS, that this site is like that only. May be Faisal bhaisahab wants to take a break from the current happenings on MS, but then, is this the right alternative ? huh, really ?!... I am completely stumped ....
Q : Hey, wats up buddy, wat u talkin abt ?
A : Well, I got an alert today - Mouth pad request added..... your request ’’ has been added.... we hope you will write a review on it soon..... so, know you know, I am not solely responsible for this act..
Q : Hey, still unclear, kindly elaborate, what’s the fuss abt this site ?
A : Well, nothing actually fussy, .. I mean, ’fussy’ it is for sure, but then not exactly fussy as such…… I mean, however ’not so nice feel’ it may give to you, the fact is that ’they’ are indispensable part of our life, ahem... I mean , they do get ’dispensed’, but then, if you look at it in the other way, they are ’indispensable’ , aren’t they.. ?!!
Q : What the hell, don’t mangle, give it straight….
A : Ok – small-site, one-page-site, funny-site, good-for-nothing-site, pure-entertainment-site, not-for-too-decent-people-site, for-the-lighter-part-of-you-site , and …and……
Q : Abbe, par hai kya site mein, kuch bataega bhi ..?
A : Createfarts is made up of two words, one is ‘create’ and second is ‘farts’. Both word’s meaning are quite clear, so is the site’s motive I guess.. .
Q : Aww, there you go again, hmm, but then now I have stopped expecting anything useful from you anyways, so ….., tell me more about it, and I MEAN IN DECENT WAY …
A :Thanks for your kind understanding. Now about the site, I think person who has conceptualized this, seem to have done a PhD in the Department of Winds and Aviation, He enlightens us about the various kinds of farts that, were never ever know to have had existed in the Hom o Sapiens species . Here you can listen create different kinds of farts, and then listen to the melody. All u need is a head phone.
Q : What exactly you mean by ‘Different kinds of farts’ ?
A : Well, its different. For you never knew that farts came in flavors, yup – the Choco Flavor, the soft and chunky flavored (how innovative !)
Also, the intensity of noise can be controlled ( how nice!). Options available :
1. Wakeup Grandma (U naughty boy!)
2. Break up Window (In a non classical way of course)
3. Cops Show up (Not recommended)
. Want more ? K, so you can also manage the odor , hey don’t we want that desperately (how merciful!). Options are :
Get the Air Freshener (Ok, that’s understandable)
Kill the Plants (Save money of buying pesticides )
Evacuate the building (Hmm, now that’s some unused tactic tenants)
More ? hmm, so how brutal you want to impact the bang. Have your pick : Open the door ( hurry! hurry! U had curry !) Plug your nose (if door is far!) Drop dead (hehe, man gaya happy badday!)
So use all the above permutations and combinations, till you get that ‘mera vala green’ feeling.
Q : Aww, stop it, I think I had enough. By the way, one query. Considering the kind of remunerations one is expected to draw from this permutations n combo efforts, why do you think one will be interested in this kind of stuff ?
A : Well, when you have a bad day at office, or a fight with your wife, or a just passing type exam paper, or you catch minor cold, you will not be interested in reading Freudian theory of the ‘logic behind jokes and their relation to the subconscious’. So , you can visit this site and have some fun in short cut and less intelligent way..
Q : Hmm, not bad, I think you have a point, it’s a fun site and nothing more, so its basically for the no-so-serious part of us, and nothing more than entertainment should be expected from it. I think, that’s what you are trying to say, am I right ?
A : Hey, so early ! u got it !! I am happy, you are so intelligent “ app daani hai, anteryami, sabke swami hai, aap mahan hai, balki main to kehata hoon ki aap purush hi nahi hai…. MAHAPURSUH hai ….. “, (hehe, sorry forgot some metaphors there , , pls complete).
By the way, did I told you, it also have an option, which reads something like ‘Create farts and send them as mail to your friend ‘, … well just thought may be , just may be , some of you might be having some friends who just lovessss ANY gift…. Hehe, Wat say….