First thing - the Muvo I have is an old 128MB Muvo, bought in Feb 2003 at $165!!!
It has been pressed, dropped, jammed, sit on, brutalized; but it still goes on...even that flimsy battery cover stays!
But something about what this was actually bought for - it plays music, and boy, doesnt it play well! Sound output is exceptional - havent seen anything beat it. Even a Bose ( ok ok, that was taking things a too far. But still, this comes close)
The interface is so simple! Lack of menus is an advantage, you can navigate by feel!
3.5 years is a long time and yes, I have done firmware updates without any problem. By the way, their europe support is very helpful.
So where is the problem? Battery, my friend. It seems tiny, but it sucks power. (Dont know if current versions eat so much power).
A very good product from Creative for audio enthusiasts.