The purpose of this writeup is to make people aware of what credit card one should go for. Though almost every bank has launched their credit cards, I am outlining the difference between Standard Chartered Manhattan, ABN Amro Freedom, ICICI and HSBC Gold credit cards.
I have a very good experience with HSBC but with rest of them it was bad. Except HSBC, keep in mind that you will need to call rest of the above mentioned banks everytime you get your account statement.
My worst experience is with ABN Amro. In every statement, they levied charges in the name of health insurance, membership fee and many others. Every month I need to call them up and get the charges reversed. No doubt that they are just waiting to hear from you and they will simply reverse the charges. But it becomes a nuisance to call them up and ask for charge reversal.
The same story is with Standard Chartered and ICICI. However you will need to call them with less frequency.
HSBC is wonderful in this regard, they never trouble you with false statements.
If you dont mind talking to the bank personnel, then there are no issues otherwise. All of these banks have good phone hotline services and they are just waiting to hear from you about the reversal of the charges levied.