I never did like this game as its only a selfiish & Individualistic game where team work dont matter. Nothing can be planned but a lot can be fixed.In India individuals shine not collectively as in say Japan , Korea Or China( None of whomplay CRICKET).
All these country are good in team games like soccer, whereas we are a very skinny & weak team.
Another interesting aspect of this game is in India & other countries people will watch only test matches or ODIs. County or ranji matches attract no crowd & hence no sponsership or money. There may be 1000 talented but only 15 in each country make it. Only 10 country plays it & almost all erratically, barring Australia.
Compare this to soccer or Rugby, even club level teams attract crowd & sponsorship & there are hundreds of clubs attracting many a talented players by 1000s.
In any case , all games apart from cricket get finished in a few minutes & not hours & days. Only in India does crowd have the time & patience to watch this game.
Sadly even this game is now controlled by politicians. More looting & pillaging will follow .