If the gentleman are on a roll how could the women do any less. Day one of the first Test between the Aussies and India and the Indian women have the Aussie women on the mat.
The Indian women picked up 8 wickets while allowing them to score a paltry 230 runs in the 100 overs bowled. The star for the day being J. Goswami who bagged 3 wickets for 39 runs from 23 overs.
The top scorer amongst the Aussies was LC Sthalekar, who scored 72. Ironically Sthalekar is of Indian origin, born in Pune Maharashtra.
This being a four day match I hope our women do very well on the remaining 3 days and give India the pride of defeating the present No.1 team in the world(Yes the women also).
I will try to keep updating this information because for some strange reason the media restricts the achievements of these great women small corners or nothing at all.
Wishing all the very best to these great women who have been consistently making India Proud......