Cricket has not failed to captivate any indian. A cricket match where india is playing especially against pakistan gets people to leave their jobs early, kids stubbornly sit at home, everywhere a tv exists there is a 98% chance that a much awaited cricket match is on. but when one pauses to think how great this game is, this game is hardly anymore special than any other game. in fact, its not even an international game! most countries dont even know the existence of such a game! why is it then that this craze is majorly in india? is it because our sponsorers dont sponser other games but then that wheels back to public demand. most indians do not know anything much about any other game. our knowledge is mostly limited only upto this game.
the whole fiasco is so over-rated that evils like match-fixing are seen and suspected on a large scale. why, every second ad is about cricket or a cricket personality! its fabulous that our team plays well and we watch every ball with baited breath. our confidence in some players are shattered by so many ridiculous shots. and suppose some sort of match fixing exists, arent we the fools who even forget to eat while looking forward to seeing a pre-fixed match?
this is not even an original indian game and is played only by a handful of countries. lets stop being ignorant fools, lets remove those blinkers and not forgetting a good game like cricket, have a look at so many other interesting games. our indians have always succeeded overwhelmingly everywhere, so lets give the people other than cricket at least half of todays crickets importance and soon well have many doors to the future of entertainment an creativity. let us give our indians a cheer and watch them run to victory!
Jai Hind!