Hi, Im writing this article just to express my opinion about the current Indian Cricket Team. Man! wot a team it is for so long cricketing pundits and experts have been raving and ranting that Indian Cricket had showmanship potential but lacked the belief to pull it off. Well move over old beliefs cos the new generation has finally stepped in. In refference to todays match between India and the West Indies for example definately not many people wouldve expected India to pull off another miracle like in England. For all we know those crazy Britts must be thinking that India got lucky, well eat your heart out guys os they did it again today and the emphasis bein on No Sachin Tendulkar involved.
The way they went about it despite bein 2 down so early was amazing. Pushing the singles and twos putting the bad ball away , it was like wow so calm and composed. This is the way teams like South Africa, Australia and England used to go about chasing targets close to or above 300. The influx of new talent is much appreciated the choice of captain and very much to my delight I might add Saurav Ganguly along with Coach John Wright have struck the right and perfect balance. No matter which country were successful in regularly chasing 300 or 300+ theirs would be a recognition of amazing proportion. The talent has finally been unfurled so to speak and the guys are showing that no matter what the target they will not not be overwhelmed or overtaken and are willing to take the fight right into the opposition camp. Kudos guys at this rate I might have to take back what I said about your chances at the world cup. No worries Id be proud to eat my words so to speak. They gotta really wear their attitude on their shirts stuff like Bring it On or Im Hungry something that will let the opposition know that these guys shouldnt be taken easily or lightly.
Thank you.