The ganguly-chappell spat is the ongoing talk of the town and toast of the media.It all started when india landed in zimbabwe.Chappell gave his honest suggestion to sourav, when asked by him.This issue was made public by ganguly.Ganguly was the one who had asked chappell for a honest suggestion about him and he gave his views quite boldly.Ganguly couldnt accept the truth and acted awkwardly.Ganguly needs to set an example for the youngsters.He should lead from the front.Instead he forms groups and lives in his own comfort zone, which is not permissible and advisable for the goodwill of the team.Ganguly complained of imaginary injuries during the tour match and it was later found out that he was fearing the new ball.Is that what one would expect from a captain?A coach is supposed to be one, who needs to correct the players when they play wrong, think wrong and apply things wrong.Thats what hes paid for.He is not paid to travel along with the team and give the guys batting, fielding and bowling practices.He needs to talk with each and every player and needs to give him what he wants.Hes exactly doing that.Irfan pathan quoted that his bowling form and batting form was well because of chappell.He said that the coach needs to be thanked for having taught him a lot of bowling lessons and motivated him to perform better.Thats a positive response.Players like yuvraj and kaif needs to be given a chance to prove themselves.They should be not asked to wait fot a chance and if they fail to perform, then they are sacked.Ganguly isnt performing well for a long time now.He should make way for a budding youngster like kaif and thats what chappell told ganguly.Chappell was selected as the coach, because he had a clear idea in mind as to how to make a strong team, both physically, mentally and technically sound to represent india at the world cup.He is not here to earn a living.A captain needs to go by the coachs words and he simply cannot manipulate the team managements decision on his own.He had the habit of unsettling the players minds to make sure his place is safe in the team.He had reportedly told laxman that chappell didnt want him in the team.When laxman asked the coach about this, chappell arranged for a meeting with laxman and ganguly to get the truth.Ganguly stammered and was blabbering irrelevant to the topic, which shows that ganuly is a liar and would go any extent to retain his place and job.He would also change the team on the morning of the match and also the batting order, which would reflect largely on the players morales and performance.Then coming to the fitness regime.Ganguly is the least fit in the team according to the trainers reports.If you cant follow the fitness programme prescribed for the betterment of the players performance, you need not be in the team.Ganguly was reported as the only person with the least level of fitness in the team.Himself and nehra were the only members of the team to have a poor fitness level.Ganguly was reported to have groups of his own inside the team.He lived in his own comfort zone and had difference of opinions against quite a few of them.Players like harbhajan are supporting ganguly coz, they were backed by ganguly.They are pretending to be gangulys loyal servants.That is not gonna help the team perform better.Many people criticised chappell for having written the mail to BCCI stating that india is a sensitive country and cannot accept any complaints made on the players.If thats the case then we neednt play cricket at all.I dont think that the people are concerned about the players alone and not about the teams performance on the whole.They are making a fool of themselves.
i strongly suggest that the issue should be solved in a proper way and both should work together, provided dravid is handed the captaincy.If ganguly performs well, he gets a chance.If not, hes out.