Last 2 weeks .. Guys.. 2 Weeks.. this Indian Cricket Drama .. entertained us..
Lots of articles .. For and Against the issue
Lots of Cartoons in Daily Newspapers.. depicting this issue..
We even read the Chappells famous email .. written to these 6 wise men.
And what is the outcome .. Its hilarious that Indian Cricket is in such
hands and commitees
Mr.Mahendra Singh comes out and gives some insight into the
3 Hour meeting held.. brings out a small piece of white Paper from
his yellow shirt, adjusts his specs, and pronounces few words..
It was a case of miscommunication and what was reported in the
media was far from Truth
VERY WISE DECISION by the 6 WISE MEN in the commitee :)
He he he ..
Either that means the email from the great Chappell was far from truth.
Whatever all the Players said to him about Gangulys injury tactics
is far from truth
Or if great Chappell is not a LIAR then whatever Ganguly said was far from truth
Somebody has to be blamed right ?
There is Somebody out of the two who tried to play games within the
TEAM INDIA right ?
And if Ganguly did try Divide and Rule policy he should be punished right ?
And if Chappell is LIAR , and if this is style of Coaching TEAM INDIA ..
then he should be punished right ?
Please dont blame media by saying that they reported
everything far from truth
It was all in the email typed by his Mr.Chappells own hands
Mr. Mahendra Singh, which went into the media.
Whatever Ganguly said was his own quotes: Mr. Mahendra Singh
Whatever Harbhajan said were his own words.
If they all were far from truth then please enlighten us with the
actual TRUTH. which I suppose will come out only when one of these
wise mens write an autobiography.. till then keep waiting..
this is the Richest Cricket Boards decision