Just finished watching the (predictable?) India – West Indies match. Some thoughts are squirming in my mind, gasping for some fresh breath of cricketing commonsense. I thought of sharing these with you, my friends of MS…..
1. Chappell’s methods or Chappell’s madness? Persistently sending Pathan at no. 3?? Don’t despair friends! Ok….I think I have a clue. Chappell wants everybody to get the impression that Pathan is our regular no. 3 batsman. And then, during the World Cup, the wily old Chappell will spring the ultimate surprise – he will suddenly give the no. 3 slot to Harbhajan, or more likely to Munaf Patel, thus foxing everybody and leading to hard disk crashes of all laptops owned by the Aussie, Kiwi, English and South African coaches (assuming West Indies, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka etc. do not manage to acquire laptops by then). This step will single-handedly ensure Team India’s stupendous victory in the WC (no it’s not the Western Commode I am talking about, it’s the World Cup).
2. Dumb and Dumber. Heard this?! The producers of this Hollywood flick are looking for a fresh face to do the role of the ‘Dumber’ in the sequel to the movie. The grapevine has it that they have approached Rahul Dravid for the role. What do you say folks – should he accept the role? I mean, he has been playing the role of ‘Dumb’ to perfection, which won him the coveted - no, not the Oscar, but the captaincy nonetheless! Now, under Chappell’s domination, I cannot think of a dumber captain! Jellyfish kahin ka! Doesn’t he have the bloody guts to stand up and oppose Chappell’s insanity!
3. Total Recall. Do we really need to recall anybody to the Indian team? Gangoolie? Kumbli? (this is a vain attempt to sound like Geoff Boycott). If we need to recall anybody, it must be dear ol’ Jags Dalmiya. Boy oh boy, just recall the good old days of mail slinging and kho-kho going on within every vestige of Team India and BCCI (Bikki as I love to call it). And with the supreme management skills of J.D., I am sure, he would have managed to arrange an exact replica of the WC (World Cup guys…don’t get me wrong!!) for us in case we….…you understand? At this rate, it won’t surprise me if Holland or UAE end up whipping our a*ses at the World Cup.
4. And finally, Sehwag. Seems after his marriage, the Nawab has forgotten his….strokes! At this rate he will soon be dumped by the endorsement agencies. At least Sehwag should worry about losing his millions, even if he does not worry about losing his place in the side.
And we see this crap for hours on end, precious time which we could have spent with our families, friends, girlfriends or kids! Damn!
Thanx as always for reading my stuff. Please rate and comment.
© Sudipto Chakravarty 2006