Hi everybody,
I read the article about sledging in cricket practiced especially by Australians. I would have straight away written a small comment, but I had a great urge to support Australian team in some ways. So I thought better to write a review.
Not that I am an ardent fan of Australian team, but I cant be dishonest saying that the team is only sledging to win. Ok, let us assume that they have deliberate game plan that includes sledging, then all other nations instead of whining can take little bit of their tactics. I know it is disgusting to recommend but..
I dont recommend sledging. What I mean here is we are here comfortable to comment that they are sledging. What happens to the effort they are putting as a team? What happens to their disciplined attack? What happens to their killer instinct?
Because we are soft, it is not fair to expect the opponent to be soft. Because we do not sledge we can not expect others not to sledge. But still we need not sledge and we can win using fairer means. But we dot seem to be working towards the positive aspects of the game as well. We seem to be content complaining about others sledging rather than taking positive steps to reinforce the game. I reckon Play to your best buddy, there will be no one to sledge. But even their best attempts to sledge will fail. So better concentrate on what you have to instead of whiling away the time talking negatives of the game.
What I suggest in this context is stop looking at the negative aspect of Auastralians game, instead focus on their merits. Try and observe their positives. Try to modify and fit it into your own team. After implementing all the positive strategies, qualities (or what ever) successfully into the team, top it with the current attitude of being against sledging. Now I appreciate it. Instead, just whining about others sledging makes me feel pathetic and at times I wonder if we mask our incapability of winning or whatever into this so called sledging.
I agree sledging is no good and it is even disgusting. Probably this word does not even signify the full impact of the feeling. But dont winge baby... prove otherwise and then attack. In short action first, words next.
So play to your best and then start talking about sledging, their attempts to cheat. As long as you can not win better stop crowing that they are sledging. Or atleast prove they are only sledging or doing sledging only to the maximum!!