Sony TV has come up with the only one of a kind sports reality show Cricket Star. After having so many dance and singing shows, there was a need for a show that can give a platform to cricket talent hidden somewhere in different corners of India. We saw the best selectors and coaches giving the contestants the best coaching and guidance and physical training that they can ever get.
The selectors always took the excellent decision in selecting the best 11 players out of all the participants and then choosing 4 weak players of the respective match and to some extend the players also gave a true and good decision in voting out 2 cricketers after every match. But sometimes it was felt that a player has been voted out by other players whereas he doesnt deseve to leave the compitition. I feel that the judges should have been giving some authority in some way or the other not to let the deserving and a good candidate leave the game just because the inexperienced players are voting them out.
Also other players may dont want to loose the chance to vote out their strongest competitor if for some reason he come in danger zone.Now the main thing that was not acceptable was the public voting to choose the cricket star. When we talk about a Cricket Star, we talk about a cricketer who is going to present the spectacular game and who has the potential and tedency to show what the cricket star team has choosen as " lakhon mein ek". What I felt was that in choosing the first cricket star, we missed the deserving candidates just because of public votes. I feel that instead of public voting on the basis of performance, it can make a biased and partial voting in selecting a player from their respective state or some people can manipulate the thinking of others in some way or the other just to get the votes for a specific player..I felt dissapointed when players like Dinesh Salunkhe(man of the series) , Samandeep Singh, Mohd Abbas whome the intelligent selecting team ranked as the best players were voted out by public. Clearly this voting was not performance based.
This was absolutely clear that even our honourable judge Mr Kapil Dev was not satisfied as well. It seems that the entire amout of hard work that the boys had put in was of no use as the voting was never performance based. That doesnt mean Sukhvir Singh is not good player, but he was definitly not the best player. Public should understand that we are choosing a player who might represent India at any later stage and public should have come forward with this very view. I am in Canada basically from Chandigarh and I never missed any show just in hope that we will get the best player out of 11 but I feel that my time was wasted and I personally feel that results was biased......
So I just want to request the team of Cricket Star that in the next session please change the method of selecting a cricket star. Let the experienced and intelligent team of judges decide after seeing the performance that who is the best player having the potential and the capability to play at higher levels, who has really come up with an outstanding performance and who really deserves to be a Cricket Star...... I hope that we will see a better session in September which will not end in a dissapointing way as this one ..