Crime And Punishment was written by the great Russian philosopher, writer, novelist and playwright named Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky. when he write this Novel Russia was struggling with lots of internal conflicts, such as religion, culture, tradition and customs. They need a change. This was the time of Nihilist movement in Russia. The storys protagonist has also some features of Nihilism.
Crime And Punishment, contain the philosophies like feudalism, dualism, psychoanalysis, existentialism, realism etc. Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, the storys hero is confused, and mentally disturb character. He planned the murder of Alyona(pawnbroker) but surprisingly murdered her sister too. After committing the crime, he tries to justify herself that whatever he did was beneficial for others. He goes through different theories but unable to justify his crime and become mentally ill. To gain metal relief he confesses his crime to Sonya to whom he love. Sonya had been forced to enter into the profession of prostitution to help her family financially. At the end, Raskolnikov confesses his crime to police and accept the punishment.
The plot is interesting, but some boring because much of the beginning part of the Novel deal with the protagonist and his dreams. He has his own theory of the world that there are two types of peoples in the world exist. First are those, who follow laws and traditions. The second types of peoples are those who are laws breaker. According to him, some individuals like him have a right to crime to attain a specific social goal. This theory leads him to his crime and punishment.
The story also describes the situation of Russia in that age that how peoples were struggling with poverty. When the story starts we find that our hero is passing to the difficult days of poverty. He has not enough money for food and cloth. Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov tells his story that his wife is sick and his daughter "Sonya" sacrifice her life to helps her family.