I read this book say 20 years back and then again about 14 years back and then again about 5 years book so you can see the excellence of literery talent this book that has gone into the book.
These are the books of that era in which the authors were involved in the plot and character. These were not among the gory best sellers that we have had since the last 30 years.
The author is involved every moment with all the characters. The book is complex because the minds of the characters and their thoughts are complex.
Then one can say that so are the books of John Grisham or Robin Cook well may be they are but they have no message they have no use , at least to me they are not lasting books they will fade away within 10 years.
What then separates Crime and Punishment from the garbage now on sale, its message- a crime is a crime and best way to get rid of the guilt is to admit it and be ready to face the consequences.
The principal character is a bohemian he is not a goody goody fellow and neither is he a good for nothing guy he is sincere but he realizes the good self inside him , now this is one theme that transcends the boundries of race, culture, region, country , social setup, class and what not.
That is what is great about Dostoevesky , he wrote timeless novels, some of the novels are well tedious because after all most of them were written about a 100 years back in fact they are premarxist works if I remember correctly so readers of today who hardly have anytime are likely to find the books tedious but crime and punishment is not at all tedious.
If you are taking a long train journey or have a lot of time on your hands just get hold of one copy and read