I am a very old user of speclacles and wear maximum brands lens.Earlier I did not care about which lens should use and be serious before buying spectacles and lens but as the age grow once get the experience which I get as what is the necessary things we must be kept in the mind before buying lens.
Its specification which must be Anti reflected, UN-breakable.Sometime our eye get sensitive when we see headlights and high beam lights which can be avoided wearing anti reflected glass and of course UN breakable glass take precaution of your glass if you not taking.
Once must take care the light weight because when we wear a heavy one its affect our skin near eye and nose and make it loose.This all I best found in Crizal lens even if there is rain its drops keep out from lens which is absolutely brilliant. Its design is also very important and it must must be not so much tight and attached that gives etching near ear and upper side of nose.
I suggest people to use Crizal once and will found the perfect lens which hard to found in others.