Though Ive been visiting Crossword since the age of 10, but it hasnt grown on me like a bookstore should. Im a bibliophile and a voracious reader.
This particular store has low availability of various genres and authors when it comes to language only English and Gujarati books are in abundance. A store should atleast have books in various languages as Ahmedabad has been a home to many people of different origins and they would like to be in touch with their roots.
When it comes to expenses The books are highly expensive, 300 bucks for a book less than 400 pages it too much for a paperback as well. Amazon has cheaper rates.
__staff behaviour__
Though the staff there is attentive and helping, I would advise you to visit if you wish but would absolutely advise you against searching for a book that wont be available to you if its not on the best-selling lists as youll exhaust yourself there.
__Book Store/Stationary__
Though this is a plus point about Crossword that it also has a whole back to school ans administrative stationary section and it is very helpful for someone looking for a quick shop with browsing different options.
Crossword aslo gives out different activity brochures who wants to sign up for some workshop or better.
The cleanliness of the store is a solid 10 out of 10 but the water drinking station and the restroom could use an upgrade as there is a single restroom for all the genders. This may Ship gender equality but keeping seperate washrooms could also make it a better store.
__lack of seating capacity__
A bookstore should have several seating options as well because there could be people who want to read an excerpt of a book before buying it so that they can decide wether its worth their dime or not.
__overall review__
This place is good. Though with some desired changes it could be the best of the best.