I had visited crossword at Mumbai in year 1999 when I visited Mumbai.That was a short visit of 45 minutes but I was impressed by a way of presentation. It was a neat & clean place, all books were so organized and I found the place really good. Then I had been at Crossword at Ahmedabad and Vadodara. It has been my favorite place for many reasons.
About Crossword
It was established on 15th October 1992 and Currently having total 28 stores across India in all major cities like Mumbai, Banglore, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Gurgaon etc. In year 2000 K Raheja and ICICI Ventures had purchased stake from IBH in Crossword. Recently Shopper Stop Ltd had bought stake of ICICI Ventures in Crossword. Now Crossword is wholly owned subsidiary company of Shoppers Stop.
About Name Crossword : This name has been given with reference to Crossword puzzles. Crossword puzzle is for fun and learning experience. So they have chosen name Crossword to reflect fun and learning experience.
The vision of Crossword: A place and space for people who seek information, knowledge or just the pleasure of reading.
Crossword Interior
Yellow - Black, Trademark color combination of Crossword. As mentioned earlier, I love the ambience of Crossword. Its presentation style is very very good. The best part of Crossword is its space. Interior is bright arranged and methodical. The books are arranged in very methodical way section wise. Books, CDs and other sections are separate. They also keep some small stool near books area so someone can sit and browse through many books. They are having computer for checking the all available stock of books, music etc. So it’s good that they have inventory control system at its place which gives online update. It is also having cafe inside. Recently Ahmedabad crossword is having Cafe Coffee Day inside. It’s a welcome change. They are also having reading tables and chairs. This is very good for referring some books. Crossword was I think first store where we find the facility to read the books inside the store.
Product range
Crossword is linked with books but one who visits crossword finds that it is not limited to books only. They have enhanced their product range to other areas. Now Magazines, Music, Game CDs, Film CDs, Other CDs, Stationery, toys etc are available. With childrens section crossword has become a family store. I have seen many families coming to Crossword on weekends. This proves that Crossword is having variety of products for all. Crossword is also having credit of establishing Return, Refund & Exchange policy. Very few retailers were allowing return or exchange the product. Refund was next to impossible at India. I think crossword is pioneer in it. With all this actually Crossword is able to create an ambience that makes the customer to spend more time, and money, at the store. And I think it is the biggest success of crossword.
Crossword and Awards
I will break this section into two.
Awards that Crossword had received -
Crossword has won the award for Best Retailer in Leisure at the Images Retail Awards 2005.
Crossword received the Federation of Indian Publishers Award for excellence in Publishing for the year 2004.
Crossword has been featured in Advertising Age International, USA, as one of the Marketing Superstars for 1994.
Crossword was ranked the 5th most admired retailer in India by Business-world for the year 2004.
Award Declared by Crossword-
Crossword launched the Crossword Book Award in 1998.
In 1998 for the best original work of fiction was won by Allan Sealy for The Everest Hotel.
In 1999 for the best work in English Fiction went to Vikram Seth for An Equal Music.
2nd Category added in 1999 i.e. the Indian Language Fiction Translation category which was won by M.Mukundan (translator Gita Krishnankutty) Book : the Mayyazhi.
In 2004, Award renamed as The Hutch Crossword Book Award which recognizes and rewards the best of Indian writing and ensures that works of merit reach a wider audience.
The Hutch Crossword Book Award 2004 for the best work in English Fiction went to Amitav Ghosh for The Hungry Tide. The prize for the best work in the Indian Language Fiction Translation category was won by the author Chandrasekhar Rath (translator Jatindra Kumar Nayak) for Astride the Wheel: Yantrarudha.