I am Chintan Jhaveri, and I will like to bring to your notice an incident which has tarnished crosswords image in my mind that took place with me at one of your crossword branches at mithakhali ahmedabad.
On 28th March, 2009 i.e Saturday I went to the store with a poster which I wanted to be put up at the canvas which is at the store.
I met Mr.Prakash who takes care of this thing and he said its the store owner Mr.Shah who will have the final say as to which poster will be displayed and also said that the poster will not be returned back if its not displayed. He also said the poster if selected poster will be put on Monday i.e 30th of March, 2009.m
I said its fine and asked if I can meet Mr.Shah on Monday, he said me to come down on Monday and if hes available I can meet him. On Monday around 1 in the noon I went to the Mithakhali branch of Crossword in Ahmedabad and asked for Mr.Prakash.
I met him and asked him if theres any chance of my poster getting displayed. On this I dont know what hit him he said and I quote, "English bolne se poster chipak nahi jaayega". I told him to chill and asked if I can meet Mr.Shah. He said that Mr.Shah doesnt have time to meet for some useless poster and told me to forget about it.
I was taken aback for a moment at this kind of behavior which was unexpected for me from a Crossword staff. Without saying a word I went out of the store. Having said that, I would also like to add that I am a customer of Crossword for the last 10 years and I ve grown up reading books from Crossword. This behaviour from a Crossword staff has really taken me aback and I dunno what to say.
If the issue is a one-off issue and not worth responding, I will believe that the guardians of brand Crossword are not worried about it and they dont care if a negative word of mouth is spread from one the customers who has grown up reading books from crossword for around 10 years now.
I can only hope the issue will be addressed because I dont know how many people have now been treated this way but havent taken their time off like this. I ll also like to say that if crossword believes one persons negative word of mouth doesnt make a difference I wud like if Mr.Prakash is encouraged to behave in such a manner frequently with other customers too. Also I ll like to say that I ve decided not to enter a crossword store in my life and if other want to experience Mr.Prakash, pls visit the MITHAKHALI BRANCH CROSSWORD, AHMEDABAD.