I decided to try Crossword because it had a book I wanted for a lower price and in stock. It turned out to be a big mistake. What I learned from this? Flipkart is the best - dont trust other online retailers with your money.
I placed an order for a pocket-sized Good News Bible. They informed me that they didnt have it in stock and would try to get it for me - or have my balance credited. I did not hear from them again, and nor did they bother to tell me what they were doing with my hard-earned money.
20 days later, I shot them an email because I got tired of waiting and wanted my money back. It has been over a month now and Im yet to be refunded the amount that I had paid.
Honest advice - stay away from Crossword. If you want to shop for books, go for Flipkart or Infibeam. They are far more customer-centric.