I was very interested in the movie because firstly it had something to do with Martial arts.I am a fan of martial arts and right from school I always enjoyed, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Ninja movies, etc.
Moreover I had seen the rushes of this movie and was interested to watch it in the big screen. Well I must say that I felt like hitting myself as I had to undergo more than two hours of Chinese torture !!!
This proves that just because a movie got few Oscars, its a superb movie. :(
Anyway I am not wrong about special effects but thats what there is in the movie. No great action like raw action as seen in Chan or Lee movies.
It was very obvious that they copied the technology from Matrix. Matrix could be called a pioneer of fighting with threads hung to your suit so that you can be given an impression of gliding smoothly and every shot can be measured and manipulated as to show that this guy has amazing fighting powers. This method was used extensively in this movie. There were very few fight sequences which was a real hand to hand or a natural looking fight.
Acting talent could be a consideration as most of the actors were talented ones.
The worst part of the movie was the story. I am not motivated enough to make you aware of the story but I shall give you the gist of it .
It starts with a warrior wanting to give up his sword which was called Green Destiny. Green destiny gets stolen and is found and gets stolen again and then again its found. the whole story revolves round this. It is tolerable till now. I am now curious as to why the green destiny is stolen.. well there is no motive. The thief happens to a daughter of the governor in Beiging. She gets married and suddenly out of the blue appears her lover... well now its turn for a Flashback... and what a flashback .. this sequence has no link with the stroy... this lady in question gets married to a guy whom she does not like and then for no reason she flees the house with the Green Destiny ( this is the part where the sword gets stolen again)... I now am grappling with the situation... where to focus.. the sword or the love story ... the love story was also pathetic.. the lover vanishes and appears only at the end of the movie..
Okay have I confused you enough ?? I am going to confuse you more ... now this lady has a guru who is evil and this villainess appears as her governess and disappears for no reason... the villianess happens to be the warriors enemy and well she is being pursued by the warrior ... but the focus of this sequence is totally lost when the villianess disappears one night after having a confrontation with the lady( with the sword) who is also her disciple.... ( yes I am seeing stars now )
The warrior with the help of his lady friend ( who is also a warrior and a friend ) go in search of the other lady who has taken the sword.
The lady with the sword is found and the warrior says that he would like to entrust the sword to her and teach her the ways of Hudan ( a form of Martial arts )... the lady arrogantly refuses... so the warrior throws the sword into a lake and the lady dives in to get the sword... and is saved by the villianess.. she is taken to the den of the villianess where she is drugged.
THe warrior comes in search of this lady and finds her and tries to save her from the villianess... he is followed by his lady friend...
Now there is a confrontation between the bad gal and the rest .... ( the focus of the sword is totally gone)
The villianess dies in the fight and so does the warrior slowly and gradually... as he is poisoned...
The lady with the sword tries to help him by getting an antidote for the poison... yes I must point out this fact that .... all the while in the movie, she flies swiftly .. now when there seems to be an urgency, she is on horseback .... ( ha ha !!! I am bored to death now)
She cannot save the warrior and the warrior dies in the lap of his lady friend in a typically hindi movie style...
The lady then is instructed to go to the Mountain where her lover awaits her... here too she walks all the way up when she could fly :):)... well she goes there and after meeting him she jumps of the mountain as she wants to fulfil the wish of her lover.... ( this act is supposed to be a superstition of some sorts.... if you want to fulfil some wish you jump off a particular mountain ... and your wish will be fulfilled)
EGADDD GIVE ME BREAK !!! and god is merciful !!!
Well the story seems as if the scenes have been filmed seperately and just because it looked good it was linked somehow... somewhere... only you dont get to know how and where ....
Anyway I wish they could have done a better job ... they had all the resources on their hands, technology, equipment, good cast , etc...
Well you can give this movie a miss and go for GLADIATOR> Its a classic movie !!!
And if you are still curious about Chinese torture , you can sit through this movie... :):)
Have a nice day !!!