I waited a long time to be able to watch this movie and I ened up really enjoying it! It was worth the wait.
The plot is kind of on the dark side, but I happen to be one of those people who enjoy movies like that. It does have some comedy in it and the plot is so-so. Mostly I liked the acting in this movie because it had an excellent cast! Ryan Phillippe plays Sebastian, the man who seduces any woman and attempts to get them in bed. (An ALWAYS suceeds!) Since he is a total hunk, his role was very believable. Sarah Michelle Gellar did a wonderful job of playing his witchy step-sister. It also includes Selma Blair as a younger girl trying to follow in Sarahs footsteps. (very interesting!) And Joshua Jackson plays a gay man, who is one of Sebastians friends. (He is also a cutie, and if youve ever watched Dawsons Creek you would know that casting him in this part was a stretch) We cant forget Reese Witherspoon who plays Sebastians latest love. The plot was fair, the music was good, and the casting rocked!