.and I think its a subject that literally reeks of the wordtaboo. Am also surprised that it appears under Health Issues but I guess that shouldnt be a problem.
Cruelty towards women. Cruelty towards men. Cruelty towards animals. Cruelty towards Earth. Were a ruthless race. When we construct 10 things, we tend to destroy 200 other things. So rather than centralize this on women - lets focus on the word cruelty.
When I saw the word cruelty in that title, it made me look the meaning up on Dictionary.com. These are the three meanings that came up:
The quality or condition of being cruel.
Something, such as a cruel act or remark, that causes pain or suffering.
Law. The infliction of physical or mental distress, especially when considered a determinant in granting a divorce.
Where does cruelty stem from? Why are people cruel to others? Is it hormones? Is it just stress spilling over? Is it inherrant?
All I can say is, someone somewhere sat and defined a bunch of rights. Right to express yourself, right to follow what you believe in, right to be yourself etc. These rights(which you learn about in school) are for everyone including you. Nowhere in judicial system, is it written that, you have the right to be cruel to others or you have the right to tolerate cruelty.
Now to lend some direction to this review. Coming back to the title - Cruelty towards women - lets ask ourselves some questions, and find the answers too.
Q: How can you classify the female of the human species?
A: Daughter, Wife, Sister, Daughter-in-law, Sister-in-law etc etc etc.
Q: Who can be cruel to women?
A: Men can be cruel to women - sons, husbands, fathers, neighbours etc.
Women can be cruel to women - daughters, mothers, etc etc etc.
Oh boy, women have so many enemies.
There is a degree to everything including cruelty. Sometimes its easy to tolerate a sudden outburst or a physical touch that had some brute force attached to it. Sometimes it goes beyond.
What happens in most situations is, women tolerate. Women are mentally stronger than men. Women go through a lot more pain in life. The have 5 days of grief every month to endure. They have to play the role of anchor in the life of a ship called man. They give BIRTH - the most beautiful act of nature.
And women tolerate out of love or circumstance!
When women tolerate beyond the point of tolerance, they are doing the biggest WRONG of their life. Look at the consequences:
They lose their self esteem and their faith in life
They let the person who abuses them to grow more powerful - evil breeds real quick.
Children who grow in abusive environments almost all the time grow to be abusive themselves.
Human Rights is violated.
Now, if you are a woman who has been abused or are subjected to cruelty, you might sayBUT WHAT CAN I DO. Plenty.
For starters, take a good look in the mirror and tell yourselflife is beautiful, I am beautiful and its my responsibility to preserve and nurture what nature has given me. To spread happiness, you have to be happy first. To give love, you have to love yourself first. Once you cross that threshold of self respect, half the battle is one.
The next step is to talk to the person whos been subjecting you to cruelty. Be firm and show no fear. A person who abuses another is nothing but a Bully. And bullies cower when someone stands up to them. If the person is someone with a real mean streak, avoid talking and try to find a pillar of strength, friends or relatives, who will stand up for you. Bank on your support system. And if there arent many people around, look for a good Womans Rights Organization to help you out.
Most times, a little counselling or an open heart-to-heart talk can sort things out.
Last but never the least, if a person isnt willing to own up to their mistakes and change, then that person is not worth it.
Bottomline: tolerating cruelty is equal to breeding cruelty. Youre equally responsible.
Hope this little review helps someone somewhere. It is based on many a minute spent talking to people who have had personal problems. Im a strong believer of Karma(what goes around etc etc). You can do so much for people by just listening to them.