Well... I dont think why we guys (read as Deewane / PAAGAL) just get carried away like that to do anything...(which may seems impossible to ourselves within) for girls..... Must be wondering what the hell am talking....well I just saw this episode of Crush on Channel [V]..where our dear Purab as usual was playing cupid and this guy in LOVE....took up challange for running on the tread mill for 18 min. and completing the whole Cardio work out course just to impress the girl he.. I dont know loved or what??
POOR CHAP he did so for this female....So he started off walk walk walk at the start.....the mill taking pace, speeding up , the incline increasing....he was doin gud.....for the first 5 min....finally reaching up.....with lot of efforts rchd somewhere @ 8.5 min and all....you should have seen his haalat yaar.....he put his all out effort to reach a max of some 9 or 10 min I guess....but the moment he was off the mill........he was a dead man!!!.........
I say chaps.....he was almost dead at the end of it...he couldnt walk or stand....that was BAD!! WHY do we have to do something like this??? Does the girls love to see, us in pain guys or they enjoy the pain we go thru??? or its just they want to always have a thing that they can flaunt off to other peers??? dont you think we have bhavofied the girls too much...arent the expectations of girls too HIGH??
Well this was just the physical mehnat in this case........talk about the mental torture...I have seen my friends state after his break off with his gf the reason being as the girl stated: he was not able to give time to me (he used to call her up twice a day ....does that mean not giving time???) Why girls why do you take us for ride like that??