In a world where reality based shows have pretty much taken over the entire network television, CSI brings a breather involving decent drama, excellent special effects and complementing performances by the lead actors. Although everyone involved in the cast do a good job, the Lead member Grissom played by William Peterson brings up a great energy as the Smart but Quiet Guy a little deviation from Horatio played by David Caruso in the Spin-off CSI Miami.
Heres the basic idea of the show, someone kills someone and the CSI team finds the first someone by using super cool forensic scientific devices and technology. The show has its shares of downers, the majority of the episodes Ive seen, builds up the momentum of the viewers only to burst like a bubble at the end.
The killer turns out to be one of the Usual Suspects majority of the time. What this show needs is a twist in its basic theme of Whos the Killer. I understand that the team solving the crime is a forensic team and deviating from the top murder is inevitable. It almost seems like without the devices and the DNA, CSI is tied up. It would be good to see a show (Like Poirot, Law & Order) that solves a crime/murder by using Reasoning, Analysis and Pattern of the crime but I doubt it would happen.
India has produced decent Whodunit shows in the past, my favorite being Vyomkesh Bakshi our desi Sherlock holmes with Ajit Babu as his Dr. Watson. I dont recall him using technology to solve a crime.
Now dont get me wrong, I am recommending CSI here but let me just tell you that dont get your expectations high and you will love it.
Later folks.