Never consult the paediatrician Dr.Abilash. He definitely doesnt deserve to be a doctor and a paediatrician.
1)Wrong prescription of skin ointment and he was arguing its not. And finally the pharmacist said it was supposed to be this n trying to give an alternative, till now dont know wat it was.
2) While doing blood test for my 6 months baby he forcefully asked everyone to go out and locked the room, I pushed came in when my baby was screaming with that bandaid. God knows what he did closing the doors.
3) he adviced to peal a skin from my babies head which I suspected it to be a dandruff. But I never accepted and allowed to fall on its own.
4) he asked me not to feed the baby for whole night nearly 10hrs and was asked to feed again by the senior doctors.
5) lastly he just pinched my babies cheeks in front of me and then my baby stared screaming. He didn had any courtesy that he s diagnosing a baby patient who is in viral fever. Such a shocking it was to see a worst behaviour of this doctor who made me to lost trust on any doctor for that matter.