Just answer the following the questions, on paper, in detail. Details are extremely important. Ok, are you ready?
Close your eyes and imagine a desert landscape. Picture the sand, the sky and the horizon.
Now in this desert landscape, there is a cube. Describe it in detail. Where is the cube? What position is it in? What color is it? What is it made of? What size is it?
Now, in this desert landscape, along with the cube there is a ladder. Describe it in detail. Where is it in relation to the cube? What size is it? what is is made of? What position is it in?
Now in this desert, there is also a horse. Describe it. Where is it in relation to the ladder and the cube? What is it doing? What color is it? What size is it?
Now somewhere in this landscape is a storm. Describe it. How does it affect-- or not affect-- the cube, the horse and the ladder? What kind of storm is it? Where is it?
Finally, in this landscape, along with the storm, the horse, the ladder and the cube, there are flowers. Describe them. Where are they in relation to the ladder, the horse, the storm and the cube? What color are they? What size are they? How many are there?
These are the questions that the Cuber asks the Cubee in order to find out what you see in your minds eye. The Cube is an imagination game. It is amazing really what you can learn about yourself and others just from the above questions. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what each image represents because I would give away the secret of the Cube. However, I can tell you that each image you picture in your mind has a meaning.
The meanings can be found in the book, The Cube...Keep the Secret. The first time I was asked those questions, I had a great time playing the game and answering. I handed over my responses to my friend, the Cuber and she promptly explained to me what each image meant. Not only the image, but the color, the size and the shape of the images. I was floored. All that she was telling me was so accurate. I immediately went out and bought this book and played the game with my husband. Again, the accuracy was chilling. Intrigued by the mystery? Good! I bought this book at Barnes n Noble and know that you can also purchase it online. I recommend it.