The cover is simple and beautiful. I really loved it. It is a Poetry book consists of poems related to mainly love and romance. Poems for Him and Her was great. As books always helps one to rise again with gleaming eyes. Each poem is based on different perspectives of love. Each poem is beautiful and impactful. I loved the narration of each poem. Cupids Arrow is by Shaheen Kazi is a bouquet of flowers with various fragrances of love. I loved the line Valentines Day is a day to celebrate love. Cupids Arrow is a vibrant poetic bouquet with a variety of romantic scents. "When it comes to feelings, were all vulnerable, " I enjoyed the statement. In the month of February, they are written from the perspectives of many people. Its a simple read with straightforward language. Cupid, according to legend, launches miraculous gold-tipped arrows at both gods and humans. Mr. Perfect was my favourite poem. The remark Husbands are a wifes refuge from lifes storms was fantastic.