Ive been a member of Cybertown for over a year and I love
all of the new contests and other stuff they keep adding.
It is a very original and very fun interactive community with
nearly 600 other people online the same time you are to chat
back and forth with. The bad part about this is the time the
pages take to load. You spend more time waiting then you do chatting
in 3D or checking your inbox, clubs, and message boards. The
software didnt take that long to download but if you have a
really old computer you shouldnt use it. Otherwise I love it.
Cybertown is really growing in popularity with nearly 750, 000 users.
You get to select your own 3D home and move to a neighborhood
of your choice. You can get cyber-jobs that will help you
earn cash and experience points. The more cash you have the
more cyber-items you can buy and the higher your experience points
the more respectable you are in the Cyber-Community.
Cybertown is a lot if fun. You should try it out sometime.