Closed Circuit Television(CCTV) security cameras has become the new standard of security and surveillance. CCTV security cameras were first used in 1942 to observe V2 rockets launching. CCTV security cameras have also been used to monitor unsafe industrial processes, such as manufacturing nuclear fuel.
In the 1970s, the United Kingdom began using CCTV security cameras due to bombings by the IRA. Today, many public areas in the UK are under surveillance. The British government claims that its CCTV security camera network has resulted in a significant reduction in crime, but this claim is unproven.
. With the prevalence of CCTV security cameras in the United Kingdom, as well as Chicago and New York, it has been criticized as a method of controlling the general populace and not as a deterrent to crime. Questions have also been raised about who may obtain access to CCTV security cameras recordings, and concerns about an overall lack of anonymity have been raised.
CCTV security cameras are beginning to transition to digital. With high shutter speeds, memory capacity and pixel resolution, photos can be taken either when alerted by a motion detector or on a continuous basis. Boasting an easy setup and storage of images on the computer, it is proving quite popular.