Although in Air conditioning departments I remarks negative for Videocon but all coin have two face in same way Videocon also has two face because in DTH platform it is much much than its rivals in many way whether you talk about channels quality. Number of HD channels and Number of features it includes even it also offer 4k for those who can afford. I used D2h for almost last 3 years I never have any complaints regarding quality of service I just need to call one and service engineer found with in 24 hour although its may be due to charges we have to pay hahahaha.
Videocon quality of remote is not too good in my opinion if you opt for SD version which I have because it can easily break up if you cant care it properly but range quality is high means I can change channels from as far as from 50-60 meters if there is not a single obstacle between remote and television.
Set top box of Videocon gets too much warm easily but I dont have complaints regarding this as all dth set top box get warm as we use to watch TV for long and long hours. But the quality of set top box produce its amazing.