Hello, I am using videocon D2H from last three year it is world worst d2h service provider it only wont money from users and fail to provide service to them it have many problem it show now signal when sky is clear and after few minuites it start again it creat such more problem like its remote use more battery and provide less service in their gold pack they only provide few movies chenel aroun 15 and in their gold pack their is noe english channel in their pack.
if you want to watch hollywood movies you have to rechare for them sapratly with different amount we have to recharge of 300 for their hollywood channel pack and in rainy seasons it is unable to provide their service while other provide theri service with good quality and in heavy rain also.
picture quality of the videocon d2h is also not good in its hd setup box the channel get blur or other type of disterbance on screen, and its sound quality is also bed some time screen is running fast and audion is running slowly and some time their is only audio on the screen and video get blured or not coming on the screen.
service and support of the of the d2h is not good they promise to provide the service for all 24/7 day any time but it is biggest lie of the company if we call their coustmer care they tell us that they are sending support in next 1 to 2 hr but somtime ther service man come in 1 or 2 days and some time they evan do noy come to correct the mistake of setbox they are worst thet worst.
they do not value for money they only wont coustmer to do recharge and feel their pocket who else are reading my reviwe I am telling them please do not use videocon d2h service they are worst in whole world their recharge packege are also of high rate and in market their are many d2h provider which provide same packege in less rate.