VIDEOCONd2H the thugs of the next generation.
I am an existing user of Videocond2h and was looking for a multi room connection, But the pain and trouble I had to go to get this connection is awful.
As there are no much detail on the second connection on the website I wrote to the customer care and they promptly reverted with the details, And prompt was the reply the very next day from the Engineer/Technician Called from Mobile no. XXXX526586(SANPADA - New Mumbai)
Received - First Call on Thursday, at 17:59 - Asking if the installation can be done, however I informed him that the same cannot be done right now as am at work and hence asked him if it was possible the next day by 4 pm, he quickly confirmed the same. I told him that I would be leaving office early for the same and he assured me the installation.
Called back - Second Call on Friday, at 18:58 - Asking about his where-abouts he did not have the courtesy to call instead he just retorted that I will be reaching in some time.
Called back - Third Call on Friday, at 19:52 - No Answer
Called back - Fourth Call on Friday, at 19:54 - Asking about his where-abouts he confirms that the engineer is stuck in Belapur and hence is delayed, I told him that not an issue as I have come in early just for the installation ask him to come in.
Called back - Fifth Call on Friday, at 20:29 - He says that it is too late and hence will not be coming in. but I insisted on the installation, he said will just check and call in 5 minutes.
Called back - Sixth Call on Friday, at 20:39 - He says that it is not possible to do the installation as I do not have the box(Doesnt this sound ridiculous that after so many calls I get to hear this revert.) I just asked him to come and do the installation on Saturday and was in no mood to argue with that person.
Complete Saturday absolutely no Call, Finally
Called back - Seventh Call on Saturday, 19:13 - Asked him about the installation, he bluntly said that he had called during the day but as you did not answer the call hence I did not come in for the installation(Mind it there was no call from him throughout the day) on asking him if he could do the same now, he said now I do not have the box, hence it is not possible. but if you pay me an additional Rs. 1000 I will get it arranged from some other place.
Seems that they were running some kind of a SCAM, so I immediately visit the nearest Shop and book the same through "Max Electronics" after confirming that they have the set top box and also confirmed that the same would be installed the very next day after 4 PM.
I was happy that I received a call from an engineer/technician stating that he would visit the place by 4PM, Call from XXXX520370 at 11:30 and again at 13:51 confirming the same.
However the result was still the same.
Called back at 17:51 - He promptly said that would visit the place by 6pm to 6:30pm, I only could say Ok, as I was left with no choice.
Called back at 19:25 - He quickly says I will not make it today as I am at Airoli, This was the most frustrating situation for me.
I quickly moved down to the retail store and he immediately called up some Area Sales Manager - Tanaji telling him the complete issue, also the Retail store confirmed that Work order was also raised the previous day based on the urgency.
I too spoke to Tanaji(XXXX067789/XXXX993080) narrating the complete story, he apologize and said at this time it is difficult but however you can speak to some Mr. Aradhyaman(XXXX595590) but he seem to be not interested and asked me to just call in tomorrow.
Is this the type of service offered by one of the fastest growing d2h company?
Are your technicians not paid enough as a result they need to ask BRIBE?
As I am making an official complaint against the service of your SANPADA center, I wont be surprised to receive some threatening calls? - This is some type of GoondRAJ