Dear Sir/Madam, I had purchased videocon Jumbo 34 inch color TV on 20.01.08 from Arihant Enterprises Bangalore under Mano ya na Mano offer/scheme. According to this offer/scheme, I have paid additional INR 7000 apart from the 12900 INR paid for 34 inch Jumbo color TV.
The company(videocon) has issued a bond for INR 7000 I had paid. According to this bond, I am entitled to get a 32 inch plasma TV for free after 35 months from date of purchase. Now when 35 months have passed and I called up Videocon local branch(Mr.Syed), he said that I need to pay additional INR 4980 for taxes and INR 400 for installation.
The condition 12 of the bond mentions as below(copy/pasting as it is from the bond)."The transportation cost from the said point (respective branch office of videocon Industries Ltd) and all local taxes shall be borne by the customer".So is the local tax INR 4980? Can someone from Videocon explain what is meant by local tax and why it is exactly INR 4980? How they arrived at this number?
Also clearly explain what is local tax and why is to so high?Is the Government of India aware of this scheme and is this collection of local tax approved by the Government of India? The most disheartening part is the breach of trust by Videocon industried Ltd. I am heartbroken and feel absolutely cheated.
How can some one claim INR 4980 for local tax? Is this really local? For eg. I am staying in Bangalore, so it should have been only the transportation cost and taxes in Bangalore, right?Is this the VAT? If so can someone from Videocon justify it and also quote the MRP of the Plasma 32 inch TV?
If this is VAT, then bond should have mentioned it as VAT. But in bond, its called "local tax". So please justify this and also justify the amount being asked INR 4980.Having waited 3 years for this eagerly, now I feel cheated. The plasma TV videocon is providing also lacks basic features like A/V in and Remote(according to the company website)!!!!!! Goodness me.
This is unbelievable and deserves to be 8th wonder of the world (TV without A/V in and remote these days).This is clear looting the people of India and breach of trust. Why I had to pay INR 7000 and wait for 3 full years and now pay additional 4980+400 = 5380 INR to get a product which lacks basic TV features.
If I had invested that money for that matter in any good mutual fund/stocks, I would have almost doubled the money by now ie it would have been 14000 INR. So effectively I will be paying INR 14000+5380(what company claims as local tax+installation now) around 19380 INR. This is definitely not as advertised by company 3 years ago. Also the company has updated its website now only and speaking about this now only. Like this, any one can manipulate and say anything and then later update at any time.
What happened to the promise made 3 years ago?Why the company did not give the same information 3 years ago while advertising? Why it advertised as "Get free 32 inch plasma TV". By free the company means 5390 INR? Why this hidden agenda and breach of trust?This is really very disheartening to see the way company is behaving. I did not expect this from company like Videocon.
Probably thats why the company had named the scheme "Mano ya na Mano" :-( .I did Mano (believed in Videocon) but they have broken my trust completely now. Moreover who will compensate for my wait of 3 years of wait/sacrifice for not purchasing and enjoying plasma TV, just waiting all the while to get the Videocon 32 inch plasma TV??? I did not purchase other LCD/Plasma TV and waited eagerly for this thinking I will get a free good quality 32 inch Plasma TV.
But now the story is totally different, pay additional amount INR 4980 + INR 400 for installation and get a product that lacks even basic features expected in TV by default these days. Totally unexpected and a shocker from company like Videocon. If companies like Videocon can stoop to such levels, then only God can save Indian citizens. Videocon are you listening?
Do you value your customer sentiments/emotions?? Do you respect/care for their trust and your commitment?Videocon should respect the trust of all who believed in Videocon and entered the scheme. It should not try to make fools out of its valuable customers.
It should not stoop to such levels and should live up to its reputation, keep its loyal customers happy and satisfied. If it is behaving this way it will lose all its current customers as well as future probable customers. Regards,