I am using Videocon D2h from last five years. Everything is great except the customer care service executives.
As soon as I get my subscription expired, I start getting calls from them saying your subscription is expired and when you are renewing it. I tried to convince them several times that this month we have some other plans and will recharge it after 10 days. but they want to know your personal problems as well. for example. This is happened with me. once I told them Like I have my brothers board exam and thats why I will not recharge it for one month. then he asked me when the exam is going to over(Its not of their work). anyways I answered one date. then after this also he is saying me "Okay I will call you on that date to remind" When I tell them I am in conferance. but its nothing to them. they will complete with their lecture and then only they stop. they actually dont care where the customer is and what he is doing.
Apart from this I dont have any complaint.
Please work on this.
Thank you