I was using Tata Sky for the last 2 years & hadnt bothered to check the pricing of peers till a few months back. Had a rude shock when I realized that most others are giving more channels for half the price ! After thorough comparison finally zeroed in on Big & Videocon, ultimately chose Videocon as it provides a few more channels than BIG at a slightly lower price.
Paid 1590/- online for STB+installation+all channels free for 3 months. Paying just 3200 in future will give me ALL channels for an year !!! I hope they dont hike rates !
Installation was swift & haslefree.
Quality is great & on par with all others. Added advantage are 3 free movie channels & 10 free audio channels. Mosaic picture in picture is an amazing feature.
I would definitely recommend this service. Go for it Now !