I bought a Damilano bag less than 2 years back from Cannaught Place store in Delhi for office purpose. while selling I was assured that the leather used is of high quality and there is life time warranty on this bag. My purchase price was INR 19, 500 so it was an expensive product.
To my surprise over the peiod of time the leather started peeling off the handle of the bag. and it became dull on otter parts of the bag. when I took the bag to Damilano store in DLF Mall of India in Noida, they declined to service it citing reason thats its wear and tear and not covered under warranty.
I have used multiple bags in past and never saw leather peeling off due to wear and tear. and those bags were priced lesser than this one.
I recommend not to buy Damilano product due to poor quality and horrible service standards.