Having stayed in Aundh for 10+ years we all know how Daalan furnishings started as a small little shop with honest and aggressive salesmen. This proved to be their USP (along with quality) and soon the small little shop in a under-average locality transformed into a large multi storey shop in a posh (relatively) locality (opposite the Seasons hotel).
All that is fine but now the success is not being handled well.
Last week I went to the shop to inquire of rolling blinds for my house windows. Following was my experience
1- The salesman were no longer cordial
2- I gave them my specifications and they only gave me one set of options
3- We had to enquire about more options
4- The first guy gave me an estimate of ~3K for my window.....the supervisor came and corrected it and gave me ~5K for the same window ------- Very poor experience
5- 2 years back I had made similar blinds for ~1700 INR. Considering inflation, different brand and location, I expected the price to jump to 3K - 3.5K max
6- 5K was out of question and I asked them to show me stuff in the lower range. They only told me that is not possible and the guy simply got up - as if to indicate - thats it...we dont have in ur budget - you can leave
I enquired in a different shop - SAME brand - SAME design - 200 meters away from Daalan and the price quoted was 4200. Also the other guy shop told me he may give discounts if I give him more windows to furnish.
All in all - it was a huge disapointment at Daalans. The good old friendly shop has been transformed into a snobbish establishment. Guess the arrogance will catch up, unless the IT folks, NRIs staying in the area dont mind the 20% premium just to visit a 2 storeyed shop next to Seasons.