The plot of the Movie is good but it could be more powerful plot according to my expectations. Salmaan Khan was as usual best in his role, but it could be again more attention grabber to catch viewer's attention.
In total, this was less than expected. Compared to the previous versions of the film, this year it has not came up to the expectations.
The amount of publicity it has made before release, I personally thought that Dabangg will again be a Blockbuster this time. But unfortunately, this could not stand in front of my Level of expectation.
But yes, honestly I want to say that Dabangg has made this noise only because of Salman Khan otherwise this would be a complete flop. Though this is completely my own and personal opinion and it may not match other's point of view.
Anyway, loved the movie a bit only because of Salman Khan. But he is not my favorite, then also, its ok.
But it could be a blockbuster.