My hair is very thin, frizzy and dry. I prefer almond oil for my hair as it weighs lighter on hair compared to others. I used Bajaj Almond oil for many years before but changed to Dabur recently, the main reason was the fragrance of the oil, since I get troubled by strong fragrances, I found Dabur much better than Bajaj almond oil. Bajaj has too strong fragrance which gave me sleepless nights. Dabur too has fragrance but its lower compared to other oils. Another reason to change was hairfall, Bajaj didnt work all time, I had severe hair fall soon after I applied Bajaj oil on my scalp and hair. Dabur remained merciful on my hair. I think its because of chemicals and fragrance in Bajaj hair oil that I was losing my hair. I also really hope companies start making fragrance free natural products for people, because we have enough chemicals around us already.
Dabur almond hair oils packaging is good, no complaints. Better to have glass or tin packaging than plastic bottles.