I am unable to find a product "Dabur Chyawanprash" here, hence sharing my views o this commercial product.
Dabur Chaywanprash is an Ayurveda food product which keeps you health for your life time. This is somehow yummy, delicious & best product for all of us specially when it comes to taste, little bit spicy, sweet & unique taste. Its full of energy boost, power & helps to provide good nourishment to the entire system for your body.
I, myself using this product since last 2 years after the advice given by my family Doctor to improve my health after sudden illness. I started using it twice a day as per my Doctors advice & till now, I found it great. It really works for me as I can feel the difference in my health & personality. This product is suited for all the age groups as there is no limitation for anyone, everyone of us can have it on a daily basis & feel the difference. I dont know about anyone else but frankly speaking, it works for me at a greater extent. I am taking it twice a day, one in the early morning & one at the bed time.
The best part of Dabur Chyawanprash is that you can keep & use it for many years.
Note: The individual rating given for this review is only for "Dabur Chywanprash" not for this commercial ads, requesting the team to add a separate product for this one.