This was my favorite timepass in teen days . and the flavour I like the most was green .thats pudina one. but as it told it helps in digestion is total rubbish and fake talk . only its covert into gas and thats why my mother always prompt me eating so.
in my teen days chota pack cosisiting of 6 goli was very common and eat that only.
flavor is good but if you are going to eat for digestion purpose than you will empty handed only. thats why I dont like it at present.
these days no one exploring the word digestion, it means whatever you have eaten should be consumed and used by our totally and easy outing too.
hajmola will only release gas and will feel you easier.
but to digest proper. eat average. dont eat junk foods. dont drink water immediately after food. have a gap of atleast 45 min. and if possible walk atleast 1 km after your meal. and it will digest all. no need to take hajmola .okaysss