Actually honey is the best ayurvedic medicine used to cure many diseases by ancient people , since every one at those times are trustworthy people and they are not selfish . But now a days every thing became money , in order to earn money they making fraud in every business.But common people will be effected by such activities.
This is my frustration when I bought this product, actually at I am suffering from cough and cold at that time. So some body suggested me to take honey to get rid of cough. Then I searched in google how honey helps in curing cough . Then I believed its not fake. Since today it is difficult to get original honey product from trees, I bought dabur honey. Then I consumed it along with lemon . But my cough is increasing day by day , I dont understand whats going on. Then I observed some crystal layer formed inside the honey bottle. Then I confirmed that it is sugar with this I realized not to consume it . So I suggest every one please try to get original honey from trees as possible as and dont buy from shops.