I was not a frequent customer with honey, I once brought Lion honey and had a go with it for some days, I Dint like it. It tasted like Dates and very thick too. This created an aversion towards honey but then after some months I went to my sisters place and they had this tradition of drinking honey with hot water in the mornings.it was awesome.
I liked it very much and I got to know that it was Dabur Honey. I would recommend Dabur honey to other brands because.
-Taste is right, very appealing honey taste
-thickness is not more and not less, perfect for consumption
-tastes really good when used in salads, milk and some rice mixtures.
-it definitely gives wonderful health benefits when mixed with hot water and drank in empty stomach.
-the truth is that honey by nature has bitter taste too but not really realized by our taste buds, they are good for the internal organs, purifies blood and reduces excess fat.
-Dabur refines it to the right extent and delivers it with the exactness of what we need actually .
So then I would insist for those who read this review to take honey with hot water for improving general health, With Dabur honey things will be better.