After reading all mouthshut reviews on Cielo, I too bought a 1999 GLX Silver model for Rs. 75, 000/-. It was a CNG variant and I later got it removed. Since last four months I have spent another 75k on it and got almost everything replaced right from Engine, petrol tank, AC-compressor to exhaust.
Most of the orignal damage was done by CNG itself and I strongly reccomend all petrol enthusiast, not to go for CNG cars if they plan to buy one. Well, spares was always a challenge but I did manage to link-up 2-3 sources in Delhi, who help me out with parts, which I need on a regular basis.
For Cielo Service you can visit Bosch Service Centre at Rajouri Garden in New Delhi. They have been helping me to maintain the car since last 4 years.They arrange for original parts and have a good backup of mechanics. Second hand parts are available in the junk market in Mayapuri, New Delhi.
The third contact is of Mr. Jayesh who has his spares shop in Old Delhi in Kashmere Gate. His contact numbers are Mobile: 09810024375 and Landline: 011 23962125