Its almost two years since we bought our silver...thats the name I gave to my matiz, and it is the perfect decision that we could have made when we went out to purchase a car. Now you may think that as I own it, I am bound to sing praises of it. But this praise is all without bias. Lets start off with its look and feel. Both the exteriors and interiors have been done with thought and patience. It is heavier that all the other cars in the same segment and the body is supported by very strong beams. The pickup is excellent and the engine is good. The A.C. is also very effective. The basic maintenance required is only regular servicing and dialy cleaning. As we commute daily by our car hence it has travelled more than 50, 000 kms. It is quite fuel efficient as we get 16-17 kmpl on Delhi roads. I would recommend this car for working couples or people with small families.