Daily cash is one of the money earning app. Initially one should login with Facebook to earn money.
There are different ways to earn money with the help of this app. Some of the ways are: inviting friends to install the app with help of referal link. If our friend installs, we can earn some points.
We have to try the different apps avaliable in daily cash app inorder to earn points. Through watching videos, we can also earn points. Then those points can be converted into real cash.
This procedure is not easy to earn money. We cannot earn points easily. It is very difficile to earn.
I have been using this app since one month. Till now I have earned very few points only.
One should spend more and more hours on this app to earn. If we spent more hours, then also it very difficult to earn points.
I think it is a fake app. I have wasted valuable time by spending on this app.
At certain points only, we can able to redeem cash. It is very hard ro earn points.
So, I am requesting everyone dont try this type of apps & dont waste your time. Thank you: -)